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In 2021 Cyclone Seroja hit East Nusa Tenggara and caused physical and no-physical losses in the community. Many buildings, roads, communication networks, and electricity networks are destroyed. In this condition, the people affected need support from all parties. Thus, This research aimed to answer whether the government has implemented the legal provisions required for the Cyclone Seroja Disaster victims. This research uses a sociological legal research method and a legal casuistic approach combined with a statutory approach concerning the implementation of disaster law. The result of the research shows that The implementation of disaster management law in East Nusa Tenggara in handling the victims of the Seroja storm experienced several challenges namely the lack of competence and skills among the staff involved in the disaster victim response team, there is constraints in formulating the data of victims that contributes to the delayed of distribution of relief to the victims, and the response from the national level to the affected regions was delayed.
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