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This academic paper uses a case study of the Panian (Haripur) refugee camp to investigate the ongoing crises of displacement in Pakistan. The goal of this study is to examine the living circumstances, safety issues, and vulnerabilities that refugees confront in the camp, as well as to assess how different stakeholders have responded and look into long-lasting solutions. Data was gathered using a mixed-approaches research approach, including interviews, focus groups, and secondary sources, and was then evaluated using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Findings show that refugees in the Panian (Haripur) camp have severe difficulties with regard to housing, access to essential services, chances for a living, and safety threats. The minimal help provided by the legal and legislative frameworks regulating the camp exacerbates the vulnerability of specific demographics, including women, children, and people with mental health issues. There are still gaps in service delivery, protective measures, and coordination despite the efforts of the government, foreign and domestic NGOs, and United Nations organisations.
The article ends with suggestions for improving service delivery and access, bolstering protection measures, and encouraging lobbying, awareness-raising, and community involvement. It also emphasises the significance of looking into long-term solutions to reduce the long-term effects of protracted displacement on impacted populations and host communities, such as local integration, voluntary repatriation, and resettlement. For policymakers, practitioners, and academics attempting to solve global displacement issues as well as those in Pakistan, this study offers invaluable insights.
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