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The Indonesian market is filled with diverse domestic and foreign products, leading to intense competition and occasionally unfair business practices. To address this issue, the government introduced UU No. 5/1999, which prohibits monopolistic practices and unfair competition, aiming to safeguard the welfare of the people and promote economic democracy. In an effort to ensure the people's well-being, the government implemented policies such as the importation of buffalo meat. However, not all policies align with legal regulations, as the importation of buffalo meat by the Badan Urusan Logistik (BULOG) may violate pricing laws stated in UU No. 5/1999. The Commission, responsible for overseeing the implementation of this law, serves as an advisory body to the government, highlighting any inconsistencies between policies and UU No. 5/1999, particularly Article 35 letter e. The government's objective is to protect market competition by issuing policies that are in harmony with the law.
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