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The implementation of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia is the mandate of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945), which states that the State's economy is structured and appointed for the prosperity of the people by developing forms of populist economy. The implementation of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution then gave birth to the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA), which explicitly regulates the implementation of national Land in Indonesia. However, the UUPA still needs to regulate Agrarian Reform. What is regulated is Land reform, the primary purpose of land reform is to reorganize the legal structure of Land and buildings. New land structures for agricultural Land in rural areas throughout the Republic. Then there was a conceptual shift in its development. Agrarian reform was then developed dynamically and consistently by the Government, where agrarian reform was implemented to rearrange the structure of control, ownership, use, and utilization of more equitable Land through Asset Management and Access Management for prosperity. For the people of Indonesia, the object of the Reformation included non-agricultural Land for urban areas. In its implementation, agrarian reform has a significant challenge related to the realignment of agricultural policies and resources by spatial planning not to endanger people's lives in the future. This research will analyze the concept of agrarian reform implemented for spatial planning in urban areas, namely North Jakarta City. This research is expected to be input in policy making and improvement of Agrarian Reform policies so that their implementation can be by spatial planning that is environmentally sound, especially in the Republic of Indonesia. This research is descriptive normative field research so that the results of the study will answer the problems by the conditions in the field obtained related to how the implementation of agrarian reform role models in 7 villages in North Jakarta City and how the implementation of agrarian reform in urban areas should be so that they can become role models for the realignment of agricultural resources in urban areas. For Indonesia and the World, locations that become the Role model for Agrarian Reform implemented by the Government in urban areas for spatial planning are 6 villages in North Jakarta City.
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