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When there is a divorce, the possession of minor children becomes a via crucis, since we are mainly violating the Best Interests of the Boy, Girl and Adolescents, and in this way the minors are not properly trained in different areas as well as a social, family environment; and, social, even worse, a comprehensive training in education, taking into account that education, rather than the right to education, is a fundamental duty that the Ecuadorian State must grant, as well as its parents within the family environment, this is a priority. within the public policies and investment of the state with this we will be guaranteeing equality and social inclusion, being the most important thing for the good life of children; and, adolescents in our country and why not say in the whole world, ownership must be shared, since parents are called upon to ensure the upbringing, care, education, feeding of their children, this is the responsibility of both the father as of the mother, because this is clearly written in Ecuadorian legislation, which many parents currently confuse, emotionally destabilizing children in their homes and in society.
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