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The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and the infra-constitutional regulations establish the equal enjoyment of rights, and the constant struggle to eradicate violence against women, however, in the canton of Tulcán, street harassment has become a common and invisible problem. For this reason, in the present work, the objective was to carry out a socio-legal analysis and diagnosis of street harassment, which determines the current state of the regulations to outline a public policy as a possible solution to the problem for women within the Tulcán canton. For this purpose, the qualitative-quantitative methodology, cross-sectional design and type of mixed legal research were used, resulting in interview and survey instruments, with a descriptive scope and analytical-synthetic theoretical methods and a systemic approach. As results of said research instruments, the existence and frequency of the problem are exhibited, in addition to the insufficient applicability regulations, the same thing happens in comparative legislation, however, there are countries, and in Ecuador cantons that do recognize street harassment as such. In conclusion, it was determined that there is not enough legislation to cover the figure of street harassment in the Tulcán canton, since there are no legal remedies to prevent and eradicate the problem, even more so it is not even formally recognized.
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