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Politics, democracy, and governance, since historical times, have been pursuing a common goal, to which it is worth mentioning, politics is the science that deals with the organizations of human society in the public sphere, to promote the common good. , democracy is the type of organization of the State, in which collective decisions are adopted by the people through a mechanism of participation, which give legitimacy to their representatives in a broad and democratic sense, as a form of social coexistence, in which the members are free and equal and social relations are contractual, complementing these important meanings will allow governance to be achieved, in which there is a state of equilibrium derived from political power, as a consequence of the solution of social demands and the ability of governments to serve them in an effective, stable and legitimate way, in Ecuador today they are more than an organizational apparatus, a need that e must be put into practice, with all its legal, social, political scope, since the essence of the existence of this trilogy is seen as the path to a fair society and equal conditions, which allows guaranteeing these three important foundation
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