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The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador determines that Ecuador is a constitutional state of rights and justice, whose primary duty is to guarantee, without any discrimination, the effective enjoyment of the rights established in its articles and in international instruments; Thus, one of the rights of citizens is
access to public information, which emanates or is in the power of institutions, agencies, entities and legal persons of public law and private law that have State
participation. Undoubtedly, one of the most accurate paths in the fight against corruption is transparency in public action that allows the right of citizen aspects regarding the right of citizens to access public information and the method used was historical, through which it was possible to identify the relevant
obligation to make the information generated by the State transparent. The right of access to public information that obliges public officials to comply with the effective. The objective of this work focused on analyzing the importance of the participation and social control, essential within a democratic State, to become obligation of public servants to grant it; since access to public information is a key right of democratic institutions.
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