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Public organizations need managers capable of leading them to fulfill their mission, mainly who can guide them to achieve high levels of performance. The main objective of the research was to determine the incidence of managerial skills in the organizational performance of local governments in Peru. The methodology consisted of following the steps of the quantitative approach, at an explanatory level, with a non-experimental design and data collection in a single moment, surveying 319 workers, to whom a questionnaire was applied; the data were processed through the SPSS program, using the ordinal regression model to test the hypotheses. The main results show that managerial competencies explain 47.9% of organizational performance in the local governments studied, measured through Nagelkerke Pseudo R squared, with a significance of p=0.000; strategic, interpersonal and personal competencies have a similar incidence. It is concluded that managerial competencies largely explain organizational performance in local governments in Peru.
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