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Law enforcement for customers in Indonesia who use futures advisors or trading robots as a tool to help perform daily trading, is really needed, due to many customers’ fund’s frauds under the guise of futures advisors or trading robots that are roaming around. Many futures advisors give heavenly promises to the customers of consistent profit, but in reality, many futures advisors or trading robots owned by these illegal companies only gather and pile the people’s fund as much as possible and slowly escape or disappear or the people’s fund they already had for the usage of the futures advisor or trading robots couldn’t be cashed back. The purpose of this research is to encourage the government to enforce existing laws regarding robot trading for robot trading service providers, and also as a proposal to the Government to issue regulations to protect consumer funds trapped in illegal robot trading, how to return the funds and how the Government can help them. The results of this research that all parties will obeyed the law in order to create healthy trading activities and customer funds will be well protected.
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