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This study sought to explore the effects of innovative pedagogy on learning about the sustainable development in developing the sustainability skills and creative thinking skills in the early childhood education.

Crossover research design was employed to investigate the ECD Learners’ response to the innovative pedagogy for sustainable development in promoting sustainability skills and creative thinking skills. 

The findings revealed an increase of the mean scores in the three dimensions after they were treated of the innovative pedagogy with sustainable development program, the creative thinking skills as well increased after being exposed to the treatment. 

This study, after the findings recommends future crossover research study to a larger scale of Child Development Centers and be done in a longer time frame. Based on the curriculum of the early childhood education, the integration of sustainability skills be applied in the city and region depending on its needs. There’s also a need to increase information dissemination for knowledge awareness and collaborations of Sustainable Development integration and implementation to schools and government agencies.  

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Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University, Zamboanga City, PHILIPPINES


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