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— Discussions about the extent to which the school is responsible for the emergence of cyberbullying cause a strong public reaction. Researchers have a unanimous opinion that it is the educational organization that should take on the functions of combating this phenomenon and its prevention. Cyberbullying is possible not only in the field of education, but also in any other field where there is a hierarchy and the possibility of establishing relationships of subordination.
But the school, as an important component in the system of "psychological ecology" of a person, occupies a special place, since it purposefully influences the formation of values, the perception of social norms and principles of the child, who, having become an adult, will be guided by them in making decisions both in personal and professional spheres. The purpose of the research is to provide a theoretical explanation of the mechanisms of the "Cyberbullying" phenomenon emergence and to determine the role and place of parents as predictors of its occurrence based on literature review, the results of previous studies and the empirical data obtained. The authors identified risks and markers of cyberbullying, presented a scheme for analyzing the aggressive behavior of schoolchildren, and determined the level of psychological culture of parents regarding cyberbullying among children and adolescents.
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