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This paper provides a comparative legal study in terms of state administrative dispute settlement system in Indonesia, the Netherlands, and France. Selection of the three countries is based upon two primarily reasons namely 1) all the countries represent both developing and developed countries; and 3) the legal system of each country is typical as that of Indonesia is influenced by that of the Netherlands and France. This comparative legal research aims to explain similarities and differences between the state administrative dispute settlement system between Indonesia, Netherlands, and France. The data were collected from secondary sources in the forms of documents. Through qualitative analysis process, the results show that as for the similarity, both of them have the means of resolving the administrative disputes, both through administrative efforts and through the judiciary, and settlement through administrative efforts is taken before resolving disputes through the judiciary. As for the difference, the Netherlands does not have an Administrative Court as a judicial institution that is separate from the district court. Administrative dispute settlement is carried out by the administrative dispute chamber in the district court, while in France, the Administrative Court is one of the judicial environments under the Supreme Court, the Administrative Court in France is separate from the Supreme Court and is under the Conseil d'Etat.
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