Main Article Content
This study is an attempt to test the validity of an instrument developed for analyzing the turnover determinants typical for manufacturing organizations, which will help in tracing out the employees’ intention to leave an organization.
The study encompasses two techniques for data collection. Interviews were conducted at the start to determine employee turnover determinants as a pilot study. After working on the literature and analyzing the responses to interviews, themes emerged. A closed-ended questionnaire was developed, and a survey was conducted with the use of questionnaires.
The instrument was validated with all its items in Exploratory Factor Analysis. Good construct validity: convergent and discriminant validity was found after applying Confirmatory Factor Analysis by reduction of two items from the instruments.
Practical implications
The instruments will help researchers in empirical studies while measuring causes/determinants of employee turnover, particularly in manufacturing organizations.
Various instruments and scales are also used for measuring turnover. This study targeted the measurement of employee turnover intention of non-executive workers of the manufacturing organization. Since non-executive employees don’t have a better understanding of the English language, the available scales are in the English language. Therefore, employees of a country having Urdu or any similar language, e.g., Hindi, need a scale for their turnover intention measurement.
Article Details
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