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Despite of the fact that Mental Health and wellbeing is declared as one of the priority areas globally by the UN, mental health is not as much prioritized in the developing countries such as Pakistan. With respect to the student’s community, there is an evidence of elevated risk of mental disorders due to the pressure the face in the real world. The primary objective of this study was to examine extent of Mental Health Literacy (in terms of maintenance of positive mental health, attitude to mental illness stigma, recognition of mental illness, help seeking attitude and help seeking efficacy), mental health status (i.e., Depression and Anxiety) and Psychological Wellbeing among University Students. A survey research design was used to gather from Students across all of public universities of Pakistan. A total of 1628 (1163 males and 465 females) students completed the survey. The questionnaire included Hospital anxiety and depression scale, Mental health literacy scale and Warwick Eddinburgh Mental well being scale. The results revealed an elevated level of stress, anxiety, and depression among participants, which was negatively related with their mental health and wellbeing. In conclusion, this study highlights the need to prioritize mental health and wellbeing among university students in Pakistan and other countries.

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Author Biography



PhD Scholar, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Fatima Jinnah Women University


Associate Professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Fatima Jinnah Women University


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