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Background: The peer-teaching approach is a planned education model that increases learner confidence, self-efficacy, reduces stress and anxiety, and aids in the development of higher level personal and professional skills such as empathy, communication, organization, leadership, decision making, and cooperation.
Aims: to assess the effect of peer teaching strategy on self- efficacy, collaborative behavior, and performance of nursing students.
Methods: The study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design at the College of Nursing, ABHA, King Khalid University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A simple random sample of 36 fourth-year nursing students was used. Data was collected using six instruments: student's clinical evaluation checklist, knowledge evaluation form, general self-efficacy scale, the collaborative behavior scale shortened, clinical teaching preference questionnaire, and peer teaching experience questionnaire.
Results: The majority and slightly more than half of students who were taught a selected unit by peer teaching received excellent plus grades in knowledge and practice, compared to only a small percentage of those who were taught the other knowledge and clinical skills units by traditional lecture, and 75% of students who learned a selected topic by peer teaching had a high level of self-efficacy and collaborative behavior.
Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, this method is effective for increasing nursing students' self-efficacy, collaborative behavior, and performance. The study suggests incorporating this strategy into all nursing college curriculums, seminars, and training courses in order to change teaching staff attitudes about the use of advanced teaching methods such as peer teaching.
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