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To establish the framework for the research of the value co-creation process in the retail sector, the study merges the Service Dominant Logic of Marketing (S-DL) and Consumer Culture Theory (CCT). S-DL is widely adopted, criticized, developed, and coupled with many disciplines on a global scale. This logic heavily relies on the concept of value co-creation (VCoC), which outlines the overarching objective of marketing interactions and partnerships. S-DL offers a framework for actors' actions and reactions when they collaborate to integrate resources with the intention of creating experiences. Further, thirty-eight interviews were conducted to find out the type of resources that are part of cocreated retail process. The study found out two main resources hard skills and soft skills. The largest frequencies scored was by soft skills. Further, hard skills got four sub themes. They are availability of the stock and on logging it on e-live, smooth operations, marketing research, evaluation and comparison with other brands, and good understanding and knowledge about the products they are selling. However, soft skills depicted thirteen sub themes. They are selling, vision, see the picture in long term, innovative people, adaptable, fresh ideas and new way of doing things, communication, build relation, judge the psychology of customer, creating value, experience to co-create value, try to build a good relationship, and honesty and integrity.

Article Details

Author Biography


1Imran Sadiq, 2Dr. Abdul Waheed

1Assistant Professor

School of Professional Advancement

 University of Management and Technology, Lahore Pakistan
2Assistant Professor

Dr Hasan Murad School of Management

University of Management and Technology, Lahore Pakistan


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