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The purpose of this study was to compare the perceptions of primary school teachers with professional degree and without professional degree who have gone through induction program by using CIPP model at three main districts of Hazara division Abbottabad, Haripur and Mansehra by using Stuffle beam’s (1983) CIPP evaluation model. A questionnaire based on CIPP model was used as a tool to collect data. The validity was checked by experts and reliability was determined by pilot testing by using Cronbach Alpha (.954).data was collected from the sample of 300 novice teachers. Data was analysed by using inferential statistics by applying t-test. The results indicated a significant difference exists between teachers with professional degree and teachers without any professional degree about induction program on each category of CIPP model. Professional teachers hold better knowledge understanding of the field than non-professionals one. They show better understanding and satisfaction about induction program as compare to non-professional. Study suggests that induction program is necessary for novice teachers without any professional degree it will help them to equip with tools and requirements of teaching field.
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