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This study aims to examine the factors that influence the effectiveness of the implementation of these policies. Empirically, the factors that influence the effectiveness of tourism development policies in Gorontalo Province include; communication, HR competency, leadership, and conflict of interest. To achieve these objectives, this research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. This research method is used to reveal the problem of the effectiveness of natural tourism development policies. This research was conducted at the Gorontalo Provincial Tourism Office and Lombongo Tourism Object, Otanaha Fortress, and Pentadio Resort. The informants of this study were the people of the tourist area, and employees of the Gorontalo Province Tourism Office and the Regency/City as sources of information representing policy makers. Village heads/lurah and community leaders, including tourists, are affected by policy making in tourist areas. As well as from private / private elements or third parties who aim to seek profit. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews which were then analyzed using data analysis techniques by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the factors that determine the effectiveness of regional tourism development policies in Gorontalo Province are internal factors in the form of communication and human resource competence. While External Factors are Leadership and Conflict of Interest.
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