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This study aims to know the impact of learning models guitar classic gift ban based theory elaboration for increasing cognitive student. Procedure development of learning models Elaboration refers to the development model ADDIE consists of over 2 (two) stages. They are stage pre-development and stage development. Stage pre-development includes: analysis (analysis) and design (design), and moderate stage development include development (development), implementation (implementation), and evaluation (evaluation). The research design used at the stage This is a study quantitative experiment To compare the effectiveness of learning models elaboration with the usual model during this (direct instructions). Study This uses design study Posttest-Only Control Design To measure the effectiveness of the learning model Class elaboration experiment compared to class control uses comparison aspect mean value cognitive. Test effectiveness This compares results Study cognitive between class control with treat learning models direct instruction as many as 20 people and results Study cognitive class experiment with the treatment of learning models GiptuBan as many as 22 people. Before analyzing hypothesis test effectiveness, especially formerly perform an assumption test normality and homogeneity of data. The data normality test is known that sig. Results Study cognitive class control of 0.279 > 0.05 and the sig. results Study cognitive class experiment of 0.206 > 0.05. So we can conclude that the second outcome data group Study cognitive good class control and class experiment is normally distributed. Data homogeneity test is known that sig. The test of homogeneity of variances test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.534 > 0.05. So it can be concluded that the two groups of data on cognitive learning outcomes, both the control class and the experimental class, are homogeneous. Hypothesis Test is known that sig. Equal variances assumed on independent samples test for test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.001 <0.05, then Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there are significant differences in cognitive aspects of learning outcomes between the control classes compared to the experimental class in guitar courses. Test effectiveness product study is known that results Study aspect cognitive class experiment using the application of learning models GiptuBan obtain t value count of 3,654 more from mark t table 1.683, then Ha is accepted. It means results Study aspect cognitive on the application of learning models GiptuBan taller in a manner significant compared to with results Study aspect cognitive students on the application of learning models direct instructions.

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Author Biography



1 Faculty of Language and Art, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia 

2 Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia 

3 Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia 


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