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Statistical anxiety (SA) is a major problem faced by university graduates majoring in almost all the disciplines. Researchers have been investigating the factors that may reduce its intensity. This study aimed to investigate the effect of peer support (PS) and psychological capital (PC) on Statistical anxiety (SA). The study used a survey (questionnaire) method to collect data. The research sample comprised 384 students from four public sector universities in Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. The data were collected through PC questionnaire, a Statistics anxiety rating scale STARS questionnaire and a self-developed PS questionnaire. In this study, correlation analysis indicated that PS and PC had a positive relationship; PS and SA had an inverse relationship, while PC and SA also had an inverse relationship. Regression analysis indicated that when PC increased by one unit, the SA decreased by 0.408 units, and when PS increased by one unit, the SA decreased by 0.632 units. Educational implications are also discussed.
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