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This study aimed to investigate the impact of the tele-school transmission program in Pakistan on students' academic achievement during the 2019 pandemic. The objectives of the study were to analyze the level of tele-school program usage by primary school students in Pakistan during the COVID-19 pandemic and to assess the level of academic achievement of primary school students in different subjects during this challenging period. The study population comprised 360 government girls' primary schools in the Haripur district. The reliability of the measurement scale was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha, and all statements were found to be reliable. Data were collected, scored, tabulated, and analyzed using mean, mode, Spearman correlation, and regression analyses as tests of statistical significance. The findings revealed that the tele-school transmission program significantly improved students' academic achievement across different subjects, including English, Urdu, Math, and Science. Both urban and rural areas experienced the benefits of this program. This research highlights the positive impact of tele-schooling during the pandemic and provides valuable insights for educational policymakers, administrators, and stakeholders to enhance remote learning strategies in similar crisis situations.
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