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Science and technology, because of their importance, always play key roles in the social and economic developments of any society. More importantly, human beings who have been working and contributing to any features of science and technology determine the whole meaning of science and technology. This study uses bibliometric analysis to show research trends on human resource development in science and technology (HRD in S&T), published sources, authors, and organizations with high research efficiency, as well as the country in the group that does the most research on human resource development in science and technology. The findings show that S&T research has increased rapidly in recent years; the journals belonging to the scientific group account for the majority of publications; and most of the authors have a low and remarkable number of publications. It means that China has the leading organizations for publishing in this area, and this country is in the top group if you look at it by country and region. There is a need for further studies on the trends in the development of S&T human resources in each field as well as the correlation between HRD in this field and the development of other sectors in society.
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