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Muslims are growing more and more interested in halal tourism, a comparatively recent area of the travel and tourism sector in which all the products and services are Islamic Shariah law-compliant. The purpose of this research was to perform a comprehensive literature review and thematic analysis of stakeholder initiatives to promote halal tourism. This systematic literature review followed the “Reporting Standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses” guidelines with primary data sourced from Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The review process consisted of five methodological steps, particularly: (1) developing a review protocol using ROSES guidelines; (2) formulation of a research question; (3) conducting a systematic search strategy based on three systematic steps (dentification, screening, and eligibility); and (4) quality appraisal and data extraction and analysis. The study is to clarify the formulation by stakeholders on the development of halal tourism. The systematic literature review (SLR) method was used to achieve the goals and aims of this research paper. The study also discovered four main themes according to thematic analysis: (1) marketing development; (2) products and services; (3) customer behavior; and industry support services. These four themes were divided into 10 sub-themes.
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