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Soft power remains a power that is not absolute and difficult to measure, and it has limits to what it wants to achieve. Therefore, this study aimed at exploring the impact of soft power pillars on the international and regional arena on other countries. It basically examined the sources and limits of soft power. The study summarized the sources of soft power in: culture, academic and scientific exchange, scholarships, publishing houses, artistic production, political values and foreign policy. Regarding the limits of soft power are: the nature of interactive, other party's opinion and stance, the targets, the environment, strategy and the dexterity in using soft power. The study concludes that it is not necessary for a country to enjoy all these resources and tools; what determines the sources of soft power is the way it is used and employed.

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Author Biography



1Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science, Department of Strategy, Al-Nahrain University, Iraq.

2Researcher, College of Political Science,Department of Strategy, Al-Nahrain University,Iraq,Baghdad



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