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This abstract provides a detailed summary of a study designed to evaluate the execution of the Faculty Development Program (FDP) policy at Cagayan State University (CSU). The FDP policy is intended to improve faculty members' professional development and academic competency, thereby ensuring the delivery of high-quality education. The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness, problems, and impact of the FDP policy at CSU. A mixed-methods approach was used in the research process, which included surveys, interviews, and document analysis. The survey was given to a representative sample of faculty members from several colleges across the institution, and key stakeholders such as administrators, department heads, and FDP coordinators were interviewed. In addition, policy documents and reports were examined to get insight into the FDP policy's formulation and implementation. According to preliminary studies, CSU's FDP policy has been fairly effective in encouraging faculty development. The majority of respondents agreed that the policy had a favorable impact on their professional development and teaching effectiveness. Several problems, however, were noted, including limited financial resources, insufficient infrastructure, and a lack of defined standards for FDP participation and evaluation. The analysis emphasizes the need for strategic improvements in the FDP policy's execution. Allocating greater financial resources to assist faculty development initiatives, improving physical and technology resources, and establishing uniform procedures for FDP implementation, assessment, and monitoring are among the recommendations. Furthermore, building a culture of collaboration and mentorship among faculty members is critical to the FDP policy's sustainability and efficacy. The findings of this study will provide guidance to CSU administrators, policymakers, and decision-makers regarding the essential actions to enhance the FDP policy's implementation. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve teacher professional development and, in turn, the standard of instruction at Cagayan State University.
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