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Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise's activities of slaughtering increasingly mushrooming chickens produce waste that must be appropriately managed so as not to pollute the environment. There are still Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises for slaughtering chickens who still need to manage their waste optimally, causing complaints from residents around the location of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises for slaughtering chickens. The problems that arise are law enforcement in managing chicken slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises waste and the role of local government in handling chicken slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises waste management to create justice for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises slaughtering chickens and residents who are affected by Micro Business activities. Small and medium slaughtering chickens using empirical juridical methods analyze provisions of existing laws and regulations and observe their application in society. Law enforcement is carried out by the Environmental Service, namely by giving administrative sanctions in the form of letters of warning and coercion for the manufacture of WWTPs. Several obstacles, such as a lack of human resources, limited budget, and limited data on Chicken Slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, were felt by the Cirebon Regency Environmental Service. The absence of regulations regarding waste management of Chicken Slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises makes law enforcement violations of slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises waste management the chicken is not optimal. The government handles chicken slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises waste by conducting socialization, education, coaching, and supervision. The conclusion from this research is that it is hoped that the government can make arrangements regarding the management of chicken slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises waste where this arrangement can maximize the space for the Environment Agency to enforce the law against violations of chicken slaughtering Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises waste management and achieve a sustainable environment.
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