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The objective of this study is analyzing the Concept of Defense Planning in Building the Military Force Posture of Indonesian Marine Corps (IDMC). The methodology used is qualitative research with descriptive approach. The result of study shows that several constraints exist in defense planning, such as, personnels welfare and professionalism, varieties and inter-operability of weaponry, deterrence aspect, limited weapory, equipments, and training support, combat gears and equipments which are mostly in their maximum years of service, weaponry technology, and budget support. The concept of defense planning in building military force posture is an effort of the military in defining the objective, resources, and method of operation (strategy) necessary in reaching the objective of IDMC vision and mission. In implementing the vision and mission, IDMC establishes five-yearly strategic planning in the program of building the force posture, namely, the readiness of weaponry, non weaponry, facilities, facilities, and infrastructure, modernizing and enhancing the weaponry, facilities and infrastructure, as well as naval reinforcement which could support the main tasks of IDMC.
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