Main Article Content
The current study aimed at revealing the effect of psychosomatic disorders and their relationship to pressures and psychological hardness among hypertensive patients in Hebron Governorate. The study population consisted of hypertensive patients and non-hypertensives. The study was conducted on a sample consisting of (218) patients and non-patients with blood pressure, who were chosen randomly. ), and the scale of the researcher's preparation (Hedaya bin Saleh), It came to answer the main question, which is: What is the effect of psychosomatic disorders and their relationship to stress and psychological hardness in patients with high blood pressure? Which states his hypothesis: There are no statistically significant differences at the significance level (α≤0.05). Between the averages of the effect of psychosomatic disorders and their relationship to stress and psychological hardness in patients with high blood pressure. The study concluded that there is a negative inverse relationship between psychological hardiness and psychosomatic disorders
In individuals who do not have blood pressure disease from the study sample, and that there is a direct positive relationship between psychological stress and psychosomatic disorders in patients with blood pressure from the study sample,
- The researchers reached several results, most notably: The impact of psychosomatic disorders in individuals with blood pressure disease is high, as a result, they have high psychological stress and low psychological hardness.
- The most important recommendations reached by the two researchers:
The need to develop the psychological toughness of patients with blood pressure through counseling and behavioral training programs that enable them to develop the psychological toughness they have to face the pressures of life and isolation. And working to address and control the psychological pressures, challenges, and obligations of patients with high blood pressure. And searching for the reasons leading to the spread of psychosomatic disorders among patients with high blood pressure, and identifying their psychological and material needs and supporting them. And the need to raise awareness among patients with high blood pressure about psychosomatic disorders in order to increase their knowledge of their negative effects on their mental health, through holding seminars and awareness sessions on blood pressure and psychosomatic disorders.
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