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It is of the utmost importance to conduct a review of the management of Baitul Mal so that support can be provided to the appropriate individuals at the appropriate time. By investigating the various aspects of maqashid al-Syariah, the purpose of this research is to conduct an evaluation of the management of Baytul Mal at Taawun at the DDI Mangkoso Islamic Boarding School. This study is of the qualitative variety. The information was collected from both the personnel of Baytul Mal and the clients it serves. According to the findings of the evaluation, baytul mal At Taawun is associated with all four aspects of maqashid sharia, specifically hifz din, which is summed up in sharia compliance indicators. Hifznafs, which is summarized in the indicators of service, Hifzaql, which is summarized in the indices of participation, and Hfzmaal, which is summarized in the indicators of sustainability.
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