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This research states that contemporary technology created numerous tools that different governments utilize in their everyday interactions with workers and citizens, making these tools one of the most relevant evidence before the court. Jordanian and Egyptian legislation followed the French legislator, who introduced these methods in the French civil law and later in a separate statute. Egyptian and Jordanian legislators created the electronic signature and electronic transactions laws, respectively. The administrative judge recently accepted evidence notwithstanding the lack of an independent legislation controlling it and the administration's legal existence. When technological restrictions are followed, the law gives electronic writing and signature ultimate power. Email has authority. The Jordanian, Egyptian, and French lawmakers proclaimed their embrace of contemporary communication in administrative operations after the research. They equalized those means in evidence before the administrative judge. After technological and legal constraints, the Jordanian legislature has granted contemporary proof unlimited power.The need to train administrative officers in contemporary technologies and how to handle electronic evidence before the administrative court without relying on electronic signature certificate firms.
When legal restrictions are followed and responsible authorities are identified, electronic writing, signature, and email increase trust and security in administrative processes. Therefore, we suggest that Jordanian and Egyptian lawmakers promptly pass a specific administrative court evidence statute.
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