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Research aims to analyze the implementation of CSR to increase the income of palm oil farmers. This is qualitative research. The subjects are parties involved in CPO companies, communities, and stakeholders. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, FGD, and observation. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of CSR is still not optimal in improving the community's economy. Findings are 1) the pattern of CSR is still charity in nature which causes dependence on the company, 2) the empowerment program by the government has not run well, constrained by the available resources, 3) the failure variable occurs because there is no mental/attitude readiness to manage changes in the funds. Suggestions made are means of expert assistance, training and periodic evaluations that can be used as a solution to improve the CSR program. This research howeveronlycovers Merauke Regency where CPO companies exists.
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