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The aim of study to examined the impact of legal packaging, legal promotional activities and ethical celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behaviour with mediating role of brand image in Hyderabad, Pakistan. Total 300 female consumers who buy the cosmetic products are considered as the sample of this study. The collected data analysed with help of most preferable software SmartPLS version 3. Findings of this study confirmed all three branding strategies legal packaging, legal promotional activities and ethical celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behaviour. In addition, the partial mediation effect of brand image is also is also verified. This study revealed several marketing strategics such as ethical celebrate endorsements, legal promotional activities, and legal packaging on consumer buying behaviour in the cosmetic industry of Sindh, Pakistan. Therefore, the marketer should understand the dynamics of market and come up with these strategies for better and improved profitability for all shareholders in the future.  

Article Details

Corporate / Business Law
Author Biography


1Ikramuddin Junejo, 2Saima Ikram, 3Noureen Sharif, 4Dr. Jalil Ahmed Thebo, 5Taskeen Zahra Buriro

1Department of Management Sciences, SZABIST Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, Pakistan

E-mail: (Corresponding Author)

2Department of Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, Pakistan

3Department of Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, Pakistan

4Department of Management Sciences, SZABIST Larkana Campus, Larkana, Pakistan

5Department of Business Administration, University of Sufism and Modern Sciences, Bhitshah, Pakistan


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