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The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency has issued a new regulation, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning Regulation (Permen) Number 1 of 2021 on Electronic Certificates, to replace Conventional Certificates with Electronic Certificates. This decision has faced mixed opinions from supporters and opponents regarding legal certainty and appropriateness. Article 4, paragraph 1 of the Ministerial Regulation requires that Electronic Certificates must be secure, reliable, and responsible. This article discusses the issue of Electronic Certificates using doctrinal legal research. The results show that Electronic Certificates are necessary for modernizing land services and improving business ease and public services. Land services must be carried out professionally, safely, and accountably using information and communication technology.

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Property Law
Author Biography



Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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