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Workers require appropriate competencies to succeed in their job, particularly within the scope of the Estate Community (KEP). KEP is a community initiated by the Bogor Agricultural Institute to assist farmers in improving their standard of living. The purpose of this research is to propose a model of worker competencies adapted to Farmer Workers in the Rice Estate Community (KEP). This research is quantitative in nature, using an explanatory study design, supported by data from questionnaires distributed to workers in the Rice Estate Community (KEP). The population consists of farmer workers in the Padi Sungai Dua Estate Community, Palembang. The population and sample used a saturated sample. The research sample is all 61 new members of KEP. The instrument used is the K-Workers Competency research instrument from the research of Santoso and Hasan (2018). The analysis was carried out through demographic analysis, as well as Structural Equational Modelling (SEM) analysis using SmartPLS 3. The SEM analysis shows a well-adjusted K-Workers model for worker farmer perceptions, with 3 out of 8 hypotheses proven to be significant and 5 rejected. K-Workers’ competencies have an impact on farmer workers' participation in the rice estate community. These findings have significance in terms of theory, practicality, and policy determination and can contribute to the formation of similar Rice Estate Community (KEP) patterns.
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